AWAK Talent: Dennis Ong!

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AWAK Talent: Dennis Ong!

22 July 2021


AWAK Talent: Dennis Ong!

We are pleased to introduce you to another bright talent of ours, Dennis Ong!
Since his joining in 2019, Dennis through his remarkable mechanical engineering skillset, has helped us reinvent and push the boundaries of dialysis.

In addition to his Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore, Dennis has over 7 years of experience working on #analyticalinstruments in the field of #lifesciences. He brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise to AWAK alongside his constant desire to learn and #innovate!

He enjoys spending time outdoors with family and likes tinkering with hobby projects in his free time to continue refining his engineering skills.
We look forward to growing and reaching many more milestones with him!

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